Tag Archives: File

How to obscure passwords in batch files

14 Sep

batch file

I came up with this one the other day for a client. Suppose you are creating a user account from a batch file, as follows:

  net user NewAdmin MyPassword /ADD

Now, of course, having such a line in a batch file is a Really Bad IdeaTM because you have the password in clear text. The client asked if there was a way that I could obscure the password. I told him that it wouldn’t be really secure, and he replied that that was fine; he just wanted to “keep honest people honest.” Continue reading

Gimp…The king of image editors of the open source world

5 Sep

People have been asking me for pointers about how to improve photos from their digital cameras. I don’t claim to be an expert at photography or at image editing, but I do know a few basics, so I decided to write a tutorial on the most elementary techniques.

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Crack the password of archives [Rar Zip 7zip Ace Arj]

3 Sep

You need access to a password protected RAR-file but you have genuinely forgotten your password. There is no doubt that to forget is human, but what is the way out?
the first step is download full winrar version (free) Continue reading

Change Your Cs (part1)

15 Aug

In this article:

1Sprites & GUIs installation
2Installation Gloves

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